Broken (Portrait)

Rock In The Sea


Martyna Benedyka (1991) is a visual and sound artist, painter, photographer, coloratura soprano, and teacher. Working in a wide range of media including painting, film and digital photography, collage, site-specific installation, video, field recording, and sound art, she focuses on human voice and existence, nature, and the clandestine life of objects.

She studied Art and Design at the Gray’s School of Art in Scotland, UK and graduated with a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Fine Art Painting in 2014. She has exhibited in the UK, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Poland, Czechia, Romania, Estonia, Switzerland, South Korea, Canada and the USA.

Her work has been chosen by the Federation of British Artists for the Futures - UK’s largest annual survey of emerging contemporary figurative art at the Mall Galleries, London, among others. Recent projects include: Classix Festival (winner 2022), DongGang Photo Festival (winner 2022-23), or De Structura Project (winner 2022-23). She is a member of Futures Photography, Amsterdam, NL (winner 2022). She specializes in early and classical music.

Before The Mirror

Portrait (Beauty)